Find expertly researched and medically reviewed articles on a variety of health topics.


Your Metabolism and Weight Loss: What You Should Know

There are lots of myths surrounding metabolism and its link to losing weight. Discover what metabolism really is, and how you can boost yours to help promote weight loss.

Recognizing and Addressing Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

UTIs can be painful and frightening, with their long list of potential symptoms and complications. Discover the most common UTI signs to look out for, and how the infection could be unique to you.

How Long Does a Sore Throat Last?

A sore throat can be a symptom of a number of different illnesses. Learn about the duration of infection and when you should be concerned about a sore throat.

Are Sinus Infections Contagious?

Is a sinus infection contagious? According to the Sinus and Allergy Wellness Center’s research between 2019 and 2020, sinusitis (or a sinus infection) impacts approximately 30 million adults annually in the U.S. alone.

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How to Perform Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Learn more about lymphatic drainage massage and how you can integrate it into your life.

Hiking for Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?

Discover the health benefits of hiking and how it can help you shed pounds.

Summertime Safety: How to Prevent Eye Infections from Pools

Learn about the common causes of water-borne eye infections and how to treat and prevent them to ensure a fun, stress-free summer.

Exploring the Benefits and Mechanisms of Dog-Assisted Therapy

Discover the physical, emotional, and social benefits of dog-assisted therapy.

The Buzz Around Apitherapy: Does it Really Work?

Learn about the medicinal use of bee products like honey, propolis, royal jelly, and bee venom to promote healing and well-being.

A Complete Guide to Keratitis: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatments available for keratitis. Learn how to prevent this condition and promote eye health.

Auriculotherapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Ear-Based Healing

Learn how auriculotherapy uses ear stimulation to help treat pain, addiction, and certain health conditions.

How to Treat a Burn Blister: Relieving Pain and Avoiding Infections

Discover how to treat a burn blister to decrease pain and when to seek emergency medical help.

Exploring the Benefits and Controversies of Cupping Therapy

Curious about cupping therapy? Discover how it works and what benefits it can offer.

What is a Therapy Cat, and How Can it Help?

Can cats be therapeutic? Learn more about feline-assisted therapy and who can benefit from it.

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