Find expertly researched and medically reviewed articles on a variety of health topics.

7 Delicious Mediterranean Diet Breakfast Recipes

Starting the day off right is important to kick-start your metabolism and boost your energy in the morning. Discover easy and nutritious Mediterranean-inspired breakfast recipes to suit any taste.

How to Successfully Overcome a Weight-Loss Plateau

Hitting a plateau in your weight- loss journey can feel frustrating and discouraging. Learn what could be contributing to your weight-loss plateau and what steps you can take to break through it.

How to Get Rid of Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are reactions to specific substances that are perceived by the immune system as a threat to the body. Learn about the causes and treatment options for hay fever to help you successfully navigate allergy season this year.

An Essential Guide to the Different Types of Pollen Allergies

Allergies can strike anywhere and at any time. Discover the causes, symptoms, and available treatments to effectively manage your pollen allergies.

Tree Pollen Allergies: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

As the springtime flowers start to bloom, you may notice your allergies flaring up. Explore the various tree pollen allergies and learn effective strategies to manage and alleviate any uncomfortable symptoms.

A Guide to Atherosclerosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Types

Atherosclerosis is a progressive and potentially serious heart condition. Discover everything you need to know about this condition including symptoms, causes, treatment options, and how to prevent it.

How Effective is a Fluoroscopy?

A fluoroscopy uses X-rays for real-time imaging of internal body structures. Discover how it works, and how to prepare before taking one.

Understanding Coronary Microvascular Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Prevention

Coronary microvascular disease is a heart condition that affects 2 in every 5 people globally. Learn more about CMD, including how it is diagnosed and how you can prevent it.

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