The Buzz Around Apitherapy: Does it Really Work?

What is Apitherapy?

Apitherapy is an alternative medicine that involves bee products – such as honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom

Apitherapy has ancient roots, dating back to civilizations including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese, who consumed bee products for both nutritional aims and medicinal purposes.

With the notable interest in natural and alternative medicine — driven by a growing preference for holistic approaches to wellness and nature products — apitherapy has gained modern attention for its benefits in addressing various conditions, including:

  • Arthritis 

  • Skin disorders

  • Infections

  • Shingles 

It’s also been shown to help alleviate allergy-related symptoms and improve immune system function.

6 Types of Apitherapy

Honey bees (species Apis mellifera) are the source of most apitherapy products and therapy. Types of apitherapy include:

Bee venom therapy (BVT)

Bee venom is administered in controlled amounts via bee stings or through injections. It’s believed to have anti-inflammatory effects and is used for conditions such as arthritis and chronic pain management. 

Even though it has shown some promising effects in treating neurological conditions, more research is needed to prove its effectiveness for conditions such as multiple sclerosis, nerve pain, and Parkinson's disease.

Some studies indicate that bee venom's antimicrobial properties may be effective against Borrelia burgdorferi – the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease. However, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy.

Honey therapy

Honey is used for its antimicrobial properties and wound-healing abilities. It’s also hailed as a soothing agent for sore throats and coughs.

It’s used in wound and burn treatment, as well as for skin conditions like eczema.

Propolis therapy

Propolis – also known as bee glue – is a resinous (producing resin) substance collected by bees from tree buds and sap. Bees use propolis to seal and protect their hives. 

In apitherapy, propolis is used for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It's applied topically to promote wound healing, manage skin conditions, and support oral health.

Royal jelly therapy

Royal jelly is a secretion produced by worker honeybees, and which is used to feed larvae and queen bees. It’s rich in proteins, vitamins (particularly B vitamins), minerals, and amino acids. 

In apitherapy, royal jelly is consumed orally or applied topically. It’s believed to have anti-aging properties and support immune function. It's also used to relieve menopausal symptoms and enhance energy and vitality.

Pollen therapy

Bee pollen, collected from the bodies of bees, is often consumed as granules or capsules or mixed with honey.

It’s believed to boost immunity, provide nutritional support, and help alleviate symptoms of allergies and inflammation.

Apilarnil therapy

Apilarnil is a product derived from drone larvae.

It’s used for nutritional supplementation, male fertility improvement, and physical strength enhancement.

Beeswax therapy

Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honeybees to build honeycomb cells. 

In apitherapy, beeswax serves as a primary base for salves, creams, and ointments applied topically. Beeswax provides skin protection, hydration, and treatment for minor injuries. It also enhances cosmetic applications, often combined synergistically with other bee products for optimal benefits.

Benefits of Apitherapy

Managing pain and arthritis

In a study conducted on individuals suffering from chronic lower back pain, bee venom therapy resulted in significant improvements in pain reduction. The anti-inflammatory properties of BVT have also been shown to improve mobility among arthritis patients.

While some small studies and anecdotal reports seem to support the effectiveness of apitherapy in managing pain and arthritis, more extensive and well-designed clinical trials are necessary to verify these claims.

Improving immune function

Bee products have natural antibacterial and antiviral properties that help fight infections. 

For example, honey’s high sugar content, low pH,  and the presence of hydrogen peroxide inhibit microbial growth, protect immune cells from damage, and enhance overall immune function.

Royal jelly and bee pollen are packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids that support overall health and immune function. 

Bee products possess innate antibacterial and antiviral qualities that aid in combating infections.

Royal jelly and bee pollen are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids that promote general health and support immune function.

Healing wounds and skin conditions 

Bee products are known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects – which can reduce skin infections and inflammation. 

Honey, acting as a natural moisturizer, reduces dryness and itching – helping with eczema and psoriasis.

Propolis offers antimicrobial benefits and reduces skin irritation and infection. 

Accessibility and Cost

Apitherapy products such as honey and propolis are widely accessible, relatively affordable, and available over-the-counter. 

However, specialized treatments like bee venom therapy require trained practitioners and can be more costly. You can access BVT through healthcare professionals, alternative medicine practitioners, or trained apitherapists.

Key Point: Apitherapy vs. Conventional Therapies

While apitherapy can offer natural alternatives believed to enhance immune response and alleviate certain health conditions, conventional therapies are rigorously tested, regulated, and widely accepted within medical practice.

Access to apitherapy can vary, depending on local availability and the expertise of practitioners – while conventional therapies are typically more accessible through licensed healthcare providers and more often covered by insurance.

Risks and Side Effects

While apitherapy offers an alternative or complementary approach to conventional treatments for various conditions, research on its effectiveness is limited. There are also  significant risks, particularly with bee venom therapy. 


One of the biggest risks of apitherapy – especially with bee venom therapy – is a severe allergic reaction. It's crucial for individuals to be screened for allergies before undergoing BVT.

Side effects 

Potential side effects include:

  • Pain: The application of bee venom, especially through bee venom therapy, may cause localized pain at the site of injection or application. This pain can vary depending on individual sensitivity and the amount of venom injected.

  • Swelling: One of the common side effects of bee venom therapy is localized swelling. This swelling occurs due to the body's immune reaction to the venom, which can cause inflammation at the treatment site. While mild swelling is typical and often transient, severe or widespread swelling may indicate an allergic reaction.

The most serious potential side effect of apitherapy is anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis can occur rapidly after exposure to bee venom or other bee products in individuals who are allergic to bee stings. Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or tongue, rapid pulse, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Immediate, in-person medical attention is crucial in cases of anaphylaxis to administer epinephrine (adrenaline) and provide emergency care.

Lack of regulation

Apitherapy products often lack stringent regulation – which can lead to variations in quality, purity, and efficacy. This lack of oversight means that products may be adulterated, contaminated, or inaccurately labeled, causing potential health risks to individuals. 

Therefore, it’s important to source apitherapy products from reputable providers who maintain high-quality control standards.

Consulting with healthcare professionals before starting apitherapy is important – especially for those with allergies or underlying health conditions.

Where Can You Learn More About Apitherapy?

Although LifeMD does not provide apitherapy, a team of board-certified healthcare professionals offers assistance for a range of conditions such as allergies and pain.

To discuss your health concerns, make an appointment with a healthcare professional from the comfort of your home or wherever you are.

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This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional or call a doctor in the case of a medical emergency.

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