Find expertly researched and medically reviewed articles on a variety of health topics.
Genital Warts vs. Herpes: How Do I Know the Difference?
Learn more about how to tell the difference between genital warts and gerpes and the best treatment options available.
Common STDs and How to Identify Them
Learn about nine of the most common STDs, plus find out how to prevent, identify, and treat these conditions.
HPV vs. Herpes: Understanding the Key Differences
Is it HPV, or is it herpes? Learn how to tell the difference between these two STIs so you can make sure you get the right treatment.
Ingrown Hair vs. Herpes: What are the Differences?
While they may look similar, these two conditions are actually quite different. Learn about the symptoms and treatment options of an ingrown hair and herpes.
Are Cold Sores Contagious?
Are cold sores contagious? Learn more about cold sores, symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention.
Can You Get Genital Herpes from Kissing?
Learn about the different types of herpes infections, how they spread, and how you can protect yourself from contracting the virus.
What are the Different Ways You Can Get an STD?
STDs are primarily spread through sexual contact, but that's not necessarily the only way. Discover the typical, and also more rare, STD modes of transmission.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): Treatment and Prevention
STDs are very common and most of them are easily curable. Discover effective treatments and preventions for the most common STDs.
Balanitis vs. Herpes: How to Tell the Difference
Learn about the causes, key differences, and treatment options for these two conditions.
Genital Herpes Stages: Everything You Need to Know
5 Genital Herpes Stages : Primary Infection Stage, Latent Stage, Prodrome Stage, Blister Stage, Healing Stage.
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